Jul 19, 2005 C can not clear the screen, as indicated in the FAQ Victor pointed you to. C can do a lot of things using the OS specific libraries. Dont say C cannot clear the screen. Instead, you should say standard C cannot clear the screen. That's the only C we speak of here. Thats what I said too. But dont misguide the OP by saying that. Jan 10, 2007 On Windows, you can clear the screen by using the 'cls' command; there is no 'clear' command on Windows. I was able to use the following code to clear the screen (command window) using Borland C 5.5.1 for Win32 on Windows XP. I want to clear the screen after user enters some numbers in C. I'm programming in console application mode. So how to do it? My OS is win7 and My IDE is. I use clrscr; to clear the screen but anyone knows how to clear the screen in any particular area. If you need that kind of control you should be using a console graphics library, or better yet, a full graphical application rather than the console.
-->Clear Screen In C
Clears the console buffer and corresponding console window of display information.
An I/O error occurred.
The following example uses the Clear method to clear the console before it executes a loop, prompts the user to select a foreground and background color and to enter a string to display. If the user chooses not to exit the program, the console's original foreground and background colors are restored and the Clear method is called again before re-executing the loop.
The example relies on a GetKeyPress
method to validate the user's selection of a foreground and background color.
This example demonstrates the CursorLeft and CursorTop properties, and the SetCursorPosition and Clear methods. The example positions the cursor, which determines where the next write will occur, to draw a 5 character by 5 character rectangle using a combination of '+', ' ', and '-' strings. Note that the rectangle could be drawn with fewer steps using a combination of other strings.
Clear Screen C++ Command
Using the Clear method is equivalent invoking the MS-DOS cls
command in the command prompt window. When the Clear method is called, the cursor automatically scrolls to the top-left corner of the window and the contents of the screen buffer are set to blanks using the current foreground background colors.
Header file for graphics in dev c++. Mar 28, 2013 In new versions of dev c compiler automatically adds one source file to project. If there is no any existing source file simply add new file By chossing new file option from file menu. Type the following code and save the file. I saved file as 'main.cpp' its your chooice whatever you name it. Download libbgi.a to the lib/ In order to use the WinBGIm subdirectory of the Dev-C directories. Whenever you #include graphics.h in a program, you must instruct the linker to link in certain libraries. The command to do so from Dev-C is Alt-P. Choose the Parameters tab from the pop-up window and type the following into the Linker area. I have been searching to get the source code of the header file graphics.h and its associated library in order to integrate it with my C program. At the same time, I am interested in those cross-platform libraries that works on more than one compiler. Apr 08, 2015 Long answer: Graphics.h is a very old and nonstandard header used to provide graphics capabilities to computers. It was once part of Borland C’s BGI interface. It was used in many programs during the MS-DOS era, but is useless on modern 64-bit computers. If you need graphics capability.
Attempting to call the Clear method when a console application's output is redirected to a file throws a IOException. To prevent this, always wrap a call to the Clear method in a try